
In the jungles of Borneo there are many kingdoms, each with a ruler who has fought and bled to call themselves King. And in the forests of Tanjung Puting National Park sits more Kings than anywhere else in the world.

Return of the King

It is amazing to think of the lives these animals have lived, the challenges they have faced, and what they have done to reach where they are now.

And none more so than Roger, the King of Tanjung Harapan. A gentle giant that shares his food with the juveniles and plays with the babies, who sadly spent the first years of his life locked in a cage.

Rescued from illegal captivity, rehabilitated, and released he has risen to become the ruler of his own kingdom, the undisputed King of the Jungle.

“Scars. A sign that you've been hurt. A sign that you have been healed.”

Benjamin Alire Sáenz

A miracle in the treetops

A baby orangutan left to fend for itself would be lucky to last an hour. But for this one, abandoned shortly after birth, a miracle arrived in form of another orangutan. A female, already carrying a baby of her own, came across the newborn in the forest, and in a truly staggering display dropped to the forest floor and gently picked her up and adopted her as her own.

Twins are phenomenally rare in Orangutans and a female having 2 offspring that are within 1-2 years of each other is unheard of, but that didn’t stop this mother from doing something truly remarkable.

“There is something that unites all great apes, the intelligence behind the eyes.”

Ian Redmond

